Some donors may feel faint (light-headed, dizzy, hot, sweaty, trembling, shaky or nauseous) – 1 in 68 clinic attendances. As a consequence of giving blood, platelets or plasma a small number of donors may actually faint (1 in 676). Some donors that do faint may also injure themselves during the faint (1 in 14,389).
There are a variety of reasons for this and there are things that you and our staff can do to help reduce the risk of this happening. Please follow the advice given to you. If you are at all concerned about feeling faint or fainting please ask to speak to the nurse in charge. Our staff are trained to care for you if you do feel faint and will make sure you do not leave the clinic until you are feeling well. Occasionally you may feel faint or actually faint quite a long time after donation, even the following day, this is known as a “delayed faint” (1 in 2,089).
If you do experience a delayed faint it is important that you ring the WBS helpline to report it. After donation please drink plenty of non-alcoholic fluids, avoid strenuous exercise and avoid exposure to heat e.g. saunas and hot baths. Also, avoid any activity that may be hazardous to you or others should you start to feel weak or light-headed. If you do feel faint after leaving the clinic, lie down straight away and as you start to feel better ensure you drink plenty of fluids. If your symptoms persist or you actually faint please seek advice using the details below. …read more